I. Name and registered office
Art. 1
Under the name “Siberian and Neva Masquerade Club Switzerland” (SNMCS for short), an association exists within the meaning of Art. 60ff ZGB.
Art. 2
The registered office of the SNMCS shall be determined by the Board of Directors, but must be in Switzerland at the place of residence of a member of the Board of Directors.
Art. 3
As a legal member of SGR/SSC, the SNMCS belongs to a section of the FFH (Fédération Féline Helvétique) and thus to the FIFé (Fédération Internationale Féline) and therefore recognises its statutes and regulations.
II Purpose
Art. 4
The purpose of the Association is
a) the healthy breeding, preservation and promotion of Siberian and Neva Masquerade pedigree cats
b) to promote education about the breed, breeding, keeping and care
c) aims at and promotes the co-operation of its members
d) undertakes everything that contributes to the welfare of all cats
The association is politically and denominationally neutral.
All personal designations apply to both male and female persons.
Art .5
This aim shall be achieved by
a) Bringing together breeders, owners and lovers of Siberian and Neva Masquerade pedigree cats, also beyond national borders.
b) Association events
c) Exchange of keeping and breeding experiences
e) Organising special shows and information stands at exhibitions, national and international cat shows.
f) Placement of kittens, breeding animals and adult animals
This list is not intended to be exhaustive.
Art. 6
The Association comprises:
– Single members (active members) 1 voting right
– Double members* (active members) 1 voting right
– Patron/passive members (passive members) no voting rights
– Honorary members** (active members) 1 voting right
*Dual members are two people living in the same household
** are elected by the AGM
Art. 7
Any natural or legal person may become a member.
Minors can become members from the age of 16 with the consent of their parents or legal representative. They are entitled to vote, but cannot be elected until they reach the age of majority.
Legal entities may be represented at the General Assembly by a delegate with voting rights.
Members from independent cat clubs can only apply for passive membership.
Art. 8
Dealers who acquire cats for the purpose of resale are excluded from membership.
Art. 9
Applications for membership must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may refuse to admit members without giving reasons.
Art. 10
Members may join the Association at any time. Admission to the Association is determined by the Executive Board. Membership begins after payment of the first membership fee and is subject to acceptance of the Articles of Association and regulations as well as other provisions:
1. the association
2. the section to which the SNMCS belongs as a legal member, namely the Swiss Society for Pedigree Cats SGR
3. the FFH
4. the FIFé
Art. 11
For single and double membership, the SNMCS distinguishes between breeder and fancier membership:
a) Breeder membership – This membership is reserved for all those who breed cats recognised by the FFH (FIFé). Breeder members meet to exchange information. The meetings are organised by the board
b) Fancier membership – This membership is intended for owners of Siberian and Neva Masquarade cats, fanciers of this breed, cat lovers in general and friends of the association.
c) Patron / Passive Membership (Passive Members) – Anyone who supports the SNMCS with a voluntary contribution/donation of at least CHF 40.00 can become a patron member. Membership remains valid upon annual renewal.
d) Honorary members – Persons who have rendered outstanding services to the association can be appointed honorary members. Appointment is made by the General Assembly at the request of the Board of Directors. Election is by simple majority. Honorary members have the same rights as “active members” but are not required to pay membership fees.
Art. 12
The annual fee is set by the AGM for the following association year and is charged per calendar year.
The annual fee must be paid by 31 January.
Defaulting members will be excluded from club services until their obligations have been met (see also Art. 17).
New members who join the club after 1 July pay only half of the regular membership fee for the current year.
Art. 13
Membership is cancelled by
a) resignation
b) Cancellation (e.g. non-payment of the membership fee)
c) exclusion
d) Cessation of patronage contributions
e) Death of a member
III Resignations / Exclusions / Cancellations
Art. 14
Resignation applications must be submitted in writing to a member of the Board of Directors by 30 November of the current year (date of postmark, e-mail). Otherwise the membership fee is payable for a further year.
Art. 15
A member can be excluded from the SNMCS by decision of the Board of Directors without giving reasons.The person concerned has the option of an appeal at the next AGM as a last resort, provided that the financial obligations to the association have been met. The appeal request must be sent by registered letter (date of postmark) to a member of the Board of Directors within 30 days of receipt of the decision. The person concerned is free to present their case orally or in writing to the General Assembly.
Art. 16
Reasons for exclusion include, but are not limited to
a) gross offences against the interests of the association, against the reputation of the association, against the statutes of FIFé, FFH, the section to which the SNMCS belongs as a legal member and of the SNMCS
b) fraud or deception in the sale of cats
c) Sale of sick animals if the seller was aware of this and concealed it
d) Sale of cats and/or improper behaviour at shows
e) Exhibiting sick animals
f) Proven misconduct in the keeping of animals
g) Violation of the instructions of the association or its authorised members
h) insulting a member and repeatedly disturbing the peace of the organisation
I) improper behaviour at exhibitions or other events organised by the Association or the FFH sections
j) public and malicious derogatory criticism of a judge
The exclusion without stating a reason in accordance with Art. 15 remains expressly reserved
Art. 17
Members who have not paid their membership fee by the end of February despite reminders will be deleted from the membership list.
The section to which the SNMCS belongs as a legal member shall be notified of expulsions and cancellations.
IV. Organisation
Art. 18
The governing institutions of the Association are
a) the General Assembly (GA)
b) the Board of Directors (VS)
c) the breed wardens
d) the Auditors
e) other committees as required
V. The Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Art. 19
The AGM is the supreme body of the Association. It must be held by the end of April of the following association year at the latest. It is convened by the Executive Board.
a) All members must be invited to General Meetings by the Board of Directors at least 30 days (date of postmark, e-mail) before the scheduled date, together with the agenda and the minutes of the last General Meeting.
b) The right to convene a meeting lies with the Board of Directors. Business that is not on the agenda may be discussed but no resolution may be passed.
c) Motions from members must be in the possession of the President at least 2 weeks before the AGM.
d) Every AGM convened in accordance with the Articles of Association has a quorum regardless of the number of participants, subject to the provisions on the dissolution of the Association.
e) An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held at the decision of the Board of Directors or at the written request of at least 1/5 of the members and must be held within 2 months of the request being made.
Art. 20
The business of the ordinary AGM is:
– It elects the Association’s bodies and supervises their activities.
– It makes final decisions on all internal association matters. Patron and passive members are not entitled to vote.
– Roll call (circulation of the attendance list)
– Election of the tellers
– Election of a chairman of the day (if required and/or if requested by the majority of those present)
– Approval of the minutes of the last AGM
– Annual report of the President
– Approval of the annual accounts and the auditors’ report
– Discharge of the Board of Directors
– Elections
a) President
b) Other board members
c) Breeding manager(s)
d) Auditors
e) Assessors (as required)
– Determination of the annual membership fees
– Approval of the budget
– Proposals from the Executive Board and members
– Honours
– Annual programme
– Revision/amendment of the Articles of Association
– Miscellaneous
Art. 21
Decisions and elections, unless otherwise stipulated in the Articles of Association, are passed by a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the President has the casting vote.
Art. 22
A revision or amendment of the Articles of Association can only be decided by the AGM. They are adopted at the request of the Executive Board or at the request of at least 5 members.
The revision or amendment of the Articles of Association is adopted and passed by a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the President decides. The amended Articles of Association enter into force after the conclusion of the AGM.
VI The Executive Board
Art. 23
The Board of Directors consists of at least 5 members
– President
– Vice President
– Secretary
– Treasurer
– Breeding supervisor
At the request of the Board of Directors, the same may be extended by 2 assessors.
Art. 24
The Board of Directors constitutes itself and determines the authorised signatories and the type of signature. The exercise of dual functions is permitted, provided this does not involve the dual function of President / Treasurer.
Art. 25
Each member of the Board of Directors is elected for a term of 4 years and is eligible for re-election. Members newly elected during the term of office shall take up the term of office of those in whose place they have been elected.
Resignations of Board members before the end of their term of office must be notified to the Board at least 30 days before the AGM.
Art. 26
Breeders of the Siberian and/or Neva Masquerade cat breeds should be represented on the Board.
Tasks of the Executive Board:
a) The Executive Board manages the business of the Association. The Board of Directors is quorate if the majority of its members attend the meeting. Circular resolutions are possible.
b) Implementation of the Association’s resolutions
c) External representation of the Association
d) Convening general meetings
e) Drafting new statutes
f) Expenditure authorisation: for annual unbudgeted expenditure up to CHF 1,000.00, above this amount the approval of the AGM is required
g) Preparation of the annual reports by the respective office holders and the annual accounts by the treasurer for the information of the AGM
h) Preparation of business for Board meetings and the AGM and implementation of their resolutions
i) The Board may impose the following sanctions:
– verbal warning
– written reprimand
– Motion to the AGM to expel a member
This list is not intended to be exhaustive.
Art. 28
The President represents the Association externally. He chairs the assembly and meetings and prepares the annual report for the AGM. He is responsible for monitoring all Association business.
Art. 29
If necessary, the Vice President represents the President and supports him in his work.
Art. 30
The Secretary shall keep the correspondence of the Association and the minutes of the meetings and assemblies.
Art. 31
The treasurer manages the cash management and ensures that the membership fees are received. He closes the books on 31 December of each year and prepares the annual accounts for the AGM. The funds are to be invested in a bank account. Investments may only be made after consultation with the Board of Directors. The members of the Executive Board and the auditors must be granted access to the books and receipts as well as the cash register at all times.The treasurer is also responsible for membership administration.
Art. 32
Accounts and inventories must be submitted to the auditors no later than 30 days after the annual financial statements.
Assessors can be appointed for special tasks. The Executive Board is authorised to call in additional members for special tasks.
In particular for larger events, such as exhibitions etc., the Executive Board can form an organising committee, which does not necessarily have to be chaired by the President as OC President. All members of such a committee are fully authorised to vote on specific matters within the committee.
VII. breeding warden, auditors
Art. 34
The Breeding Manager is a member of the Board of Directors. He is elected by the AGM for a term of 4 years. The number of breed wardens is 1, but can be increased by the Board of Directors if necessary.
Art. 35
For the breeders of the SNMCS, the breed warden is first and foremost a service, providing assistance and advice.
The aim is for every SNMCS breeding to be visited by the breed warden.
Art. 36
A member who is or has been an experienced breeder of the Siberian and/or Neva Masquerade cat breeds shall be responsible for the placement of kittens and the keeping of the “kitten list”.
Art. 37
The number of auditors shall be three, as follows: two auditors and one substitute auditor.
Auditors may not be members of the Board of Directors. Nominations for auditors can only be made by the members; the Executive Board has no right to make nominations.
VIII. Eligibility
Art. 38All members who are of legal age can be elected to the functions of the association. Patron members (passive members) cannot be elected to the Executive Board.
If possible, only one person should be elected to the Executive Board from members living in the same household.
IX. Finances
Art. 39
The association year begins on 1 January and ends on 31 December. The accounts shall be closed on this date.
Art. 40
The financial resources of the SNMCS consist of
a) annual membership fees
b) patronage contributions
c) Profits from events
d) Interest income from the Association’s assets
e) Income from collections
f) Donations/legacies
g) Merchandising
Art. 41
The work of the members of the Board of Directors and other functions performed within the SNMCS are in principle voluntary. Compensation for extraordinary / additional services as well as the determination of further compensation shall be made by the Executive Board.
Art. 42
The expenditure regulations shall be determined separately by the Executive Board. All expenses are approved by the Board of Directors. All costs incurred must be documented by means of receipts.
Art. 43
Only the Association’s assets and membership fees are liable for the Association’s obligations. Any personal liability of the Executive Board or its members is excluded.
X. Final provisions
Art. 44
The Association shall exist as long as at least 3 members undertake to continue its existence.
Art. 45
The resolution to dissolve can only be passed at an ordinary or extraordinary General Meeting with the approval of at least 2/3 of the members presentand entitled to vote.
Art.46In the event of the dissolution of the Association, the AGM shall decide on the utilisation of the Association’s assets. Any remaining assets of the Association may not be distributed among the members, but must be used in favour of an animal welfare institution or one or more animal shelters.
For all cases not provided for in these Articles of Association, the provisions of the Swiss Civil Code (ZGB) and the Code of Obligations (OR) shall apply. The German text shall be authoritative for the interpretation of the Articles of Association if the Articles of Association are available in other languages.
Final sentence
These Articles of Association shall enter into force upon adoption at the inaugural meeting in April 2022.
Olga Korovin
Helena Wittwer
The English version of the Articles of Association has been translated from German by a member to the best of his knowledge. In the event of any discrepancy, ambiguity or dispute, the German version shall prevail.